Here is a quick shot of every miniature I painted this year (excluding the garden gnome).
I completed:
Fubarnii Militia Unit (28mm)
DBA Rhodian Greek Army (15mm)
Two Warmaster Skeleton Units (10mm)
DBA War of the Roses Army (10mm)
DBA Camp Follower Element (15mm)
This is modest compared to the output of many others. But it's more than I painted in the last three or four years combined. Apparently, having a permanent painting table for the first time really helps.
These figures also represent a departure in technique. I formerly used a mix of simple block painting, drybrushing, and washes, executed with an eclectic mix of Citadel, Coat d'Arms, and other paints.
I have now shifted to layering shadows and highlights, with between two and five shades of any given color, using Reaper paints. This is a slower technique (but not that much, because second and third layers go on quickly once the base color is blocked in). I think the results are worth it, and I find painting this way is more enjoyable too.