Thursday, February 15, 2024

 Second Game of Legions Imperialis.

Albert and met up for a second 1,000 point game.  I had the exact same list as last time.  Albert split his horde of Solar Auxilia infantry into two formations this time, which made them a lot more flexible.  This paid off as his guys aggressively crossed the board, even contesting (and ultimately capturing) one of the objectives close to my board edge. 

Here's the board: this time Albert brought some Battletech / Hextech buildings, and I added some Civitas Imperialis buildings and some old GW plastic hills.  The result was more dense terrain, and the hills broke things up (we decided the rocky slopes were dangerous for vehicles).

We selected the "Seize and Hold" scenario.  There six objectives: two in the center, and two 8" from each player's table edge.  The objective on your own half are worth 2 points, center objective are worth 5, and objectives on your opponent's side are worth 7.

I concentrated most of my tanks (4 Kratos and 2 Sicarans) and infantry on the left, and left the 3 predators, a Dusk Raider's tacitical detachment and robots to fight a delaying action on the right.  My guys are on the right side in this photo:

Sicarans and Kratos tanks cautiously advance.

One of Albert's infantry Tercios occupied some ruins and a large Hextech building on either side of the left-hand crossroads, taking control of the left-hand center objective.  Blood Angels Dreadnoughts sought cover behind the big gray Adeptus Titanicus building...more on its fate below.

Here's a short of mid-way through the first turn.  On the bottom right, I tried to have one robot lag behind to take control of the right-hand objective on my side.  Albert's tanks blasted it, so the robots had to go back the next turn in order to establish control.

Mass carnage ensued.  Notable moments included:
  • Blood Angels missile launchers killed a Malcador tank with a single volley, and the other Malcador then fled from the table.  
  • Two Dusk Raider's Rhinos were destroyed by massed Sentinel fire (luckily after disembarking their passengers; the third ignominiously ran away.
  • Charonite Ogryns wiped out a Blood Angels tactical detachment to capture the big gray Adeptus Titanicus building.

  • My Predators, forgetting that they were supposed to be conducting a delaying action on the right, zoomed forward. The succeeded in blasting Sentinel walker and even shot a Leman Russ in the rear, but return fire killed two, and the third ignominiously ran away.
  • With the Predators gone, the Solar Auxilia infantry Tercio on my right advanced all the way across the board to occupy the right hand objective (seen below while it was still occupied by a robot).
  • Dusk Raiders marines then defeated them in melee, retaking the objective;
  • But in turn lost over half their number to Sentinel barrages.  The survivors ignominiously ran away.

But the high point of the battle: after the Ogryns captured the big gray building, Dusk Raiders Kratos tanks hit the building with Melta cannons.  The result:

We called the game after four turns; Albert kept control of his objectives for the entire game, and controlled the middle objectives for most of the game, and even scored one of my objectives in two turns.  I forget what the total was, but it was an overwhelming victory for the traitor Solar Auxilia.  

A great game though, can't wait to play again!

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